Latest COE Bidding Results and Prices 2024

Latest Update: COE on September 4, 2024

The Certificate of Entitlement (COE) results are crucial for anyone looking to own a vehicle in Singapore.

These results determine the success of your COE bid, impacting the overall cost of vehicle ownership.

Stay updated with the latest COE results to make informed decisions and navigate the competitive COE market effectively.

Results will be out on 4 September 2024 (Wed), 4pm

Latest COE Prices in August 2024
COE CATPriceChange
Cat A$96,490+ $2,590
Cat B$106,300+ $411
Cat C$74,001+ $1,601
Cat D$9,801+ $491
Cat E$106,901+ $900
PQP for September 2024
Cat A$91,697
Cat B$102,639
Cat C$70,766
Cat D$9,149

Certificate of Entitlement (COE)

In Singapore, COE (Certificate of Entitlement) is a document that grants the holder the right to buy a vehicle. The COE system is part of Singapore’s vehicle quota and pricing scheme, which is designed to regulate the number of vehicles on the road and reduce traffic congestion. To buy a vehicle in Singapore, a person must first bid for and obtain a COE from the Land Transport Authority (LTA). The COE is valid for 10 years, after which it must be renewed if the vehicle is to continue to be used on the road. After 10 years, the owner can choose to renew or extend this certification for another 5 years or 10 years and the price will be under the Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP), which is the moving average of the past three months.

  • If you renew your vehicle for another 5 years, once it is up, you must scrap it.
  • If you renew your vehicle for another 10 years, you can renew it again after that for another 5 or 10 years.

In Singapore, there are a total of five different categories and to own and operate a vehicle, you need a COE for the matching category:

CategoryCriteriaDetailsPQP Payment for COE Renewals
ABefore May 2022Car with engine capacity up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp)Category A PQP for cars with engine capacity up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp)
AFrom May 2022Non-fully electric cars with engines up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp); Fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output up to 110kW (147bhp)Category A PQP for non-fully electric cars with engines up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output up to 110kW (147bhp)
BBefore May 2022Car with engine capacity above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp)Category B PQP for cars with engine capacity above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp)
BFrom May 2022Non-fully electric cars with engines above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp); Fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output above 110kW (147bhp)Category B PQP for non-fully electric cars with engines above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output above 110kW (147bhp)
  • Category C – Goods carrying vehicles and buses
  • Category D – Motorcycles
  • Category E – This is an “open category” COE, which can be used for all of the above.

*Note that the categories cannot cross each other (e.g buying a Category D Motorcycle and Driving a Category A Car) In addition to the COE, vehicle owners in Singapore must also pay other fees, such as insurance, road tax and an additional registration fee, in order to register and use their vehicles on the road. One motoring website will announce if there are any changes. *Prices are all in SGD

COE Prices 2024 Singapore
4 Sep’24$96,490$106,300$74,001$9,801$106,901
21 Aug’24$93,900$105,889$72,400$9,310$106,001
7 Aug’24$94,289$106,101$71,100$9,601$105,239
17 Jul’24$91,899$100,000$70,001$9,089$100,341
3 Jul’24$91,001$100,901$70,601$8,900$100,889
20 Jun’24$90,889$102,334$69,900$9,002$100,000
5 Jun’24$88,200$100,607$70,589$8,989$101,600
23 May’24$92,700$105,689$72,001$9,311$105,002
8 May’24$93,604$105,002$70,001$9,503$104,689
17 Apr’24$94,010$102,001$68,502$9,990$103,249
3 Apr’24$89,000$101,334$67,501$10,000$101,002
20 Mar’24$85,489$96,011$70,112$9,689$95,856
6 Mar’24$83,000$96,010$75,599$9,400$95,010
21 Feb’24$76,801$97,000$73,001$8,911$94,006
7 Feb’24$79,000$102,338$72,001$9,290$100,101
17 Jan’24$81,589$112,000$68,001$9,309$109,004
4 Jan’24$65,010$85,010$67,599$9,114$106,388

COE Prices 2023
20 Dec’23$85,000$110,001$69,423$9,002$118,388
6 Dec’23$88,020$130,100$71,001$9,858$133,388
22 Nov’23$85,001$135,336$73,889$10,001$135,002
8 Nov’23$95,689$110,001$78,001$10,889$125,011
18 Oct’23$106,000$150,001$84,790$11,201$158,004
4 Oct’23$104,000$146,002$85,900$10,856$152,000
20 Sep’23$105,000$140,889$83,801$10,700$144,640
6 Sep’23$101,000$134,889$82,889$10,901$137,000
23 Aug’23$100,000$129,890$82,801$11,402$131,000
10 Aug’23$99,499$126,889$82,100$11,501$126,201
19 Jul’23$95,202$118,001$82,001$10,501$122,110
5 Jul’23$97,000$118,002$82,223$10,090$121,000
21 Jun’23$96,206$121,000$83,140$10,709$123,000
7 Jun’23$98,001$120,702$81,801$11,001$120,889
17 May’23$92,000$113,034$77,501$10,602$125,000
4 May’23$101,001$119,399$75,589$5,002$124,002
19 Apr’23$103,721$120,889$75,334$12,179$124,501
5 Apr’23$96,501$118,501$76,801$12,001$118,990
22 Mar’23$93,503$116,201$85,389$12,001$116,020
8 Mar’23$88,000$115,501$91,101$12,390$116,000
22 Feb’23$86,556$115,001$87,790$12,189$118,001
8 Feb’23$86,000$105,524$85,119$11,602$105,002
18 Jan’23$86,000$105,459$77,109$11,101$107,000
5 Jan’23$80,000$102,002$77,301$10,890$107,889

COE Prices 2022
21 Dec’22$88,007$108,006$78,200$11,690$109,600
7 Dec’22$88,503$105,501$81,501$12,100$110,524
23 Nov’22$90,589$113,881$81,802$12,589$114,009
9 Nov’22$87,235$115,388$76,302$13,189$116,577
19 Oct’22$81,089$110,000$70,201$12,801$108,003
5 Oct’22$80,501$95,856$65,991$11,751$105,001
21 Sep’22$84,000$108,004$67,001$11,551$107,000
7 Sep’22$86,000$113,000$64,989$11,301$113,299
17 Aug’22$87,889$112,001$59,090$11,101$112,001
3 Aug’22$80,000$107,001$56,089$11,000$113,000
20 Jul’22$78,899$110,003$54,889$10,910$114,001
6 Jul’22$78,001$107,800$54,001$10,889$110,524
22 Jun’22$74,989$106,001$53,011$10,302$104,400
8 Jun’22$73,801$100,684$53,002$10,000$100,697
19 May’22$68,001$95,889$51,501$9,490$95,901
6 May’22$70,901$92,090$50,890$9,489$91,112
20 Apr’22$68,699$90,002$52,002$9,801$95,801
6 Apr’22$72,996$98,389$54,901$10,503$99,999
23 Mar’22$71,556$98,889$51,504$10,501$99,010
9 Mar’22$68,501$94,889$48,889$11,400$98,890
23 Feb’22$63,000$93,590$46,501$10,589$93,102
9 Feb’22$60,761$86,102$44,001$10,010$87,000
19 Jan’22$57,898$82,001$43,001$10,000$83,911
5 Jan’22$57,599$77,700$42,200$9,689$82,501

COE Prices, Bidding and Results

Every month there will be two bidding exercises starting on the first Monday and third of the month. It will be starting on Monday at 12 pm and ends on Wednesday at 4 pm. There will be exceptions made if there are any public holidays happening in between Monday to Wednesday for the bidding week. For example, during the 2020 covid situation there was no bidding exercise from April 2020 to June 2020 for 3 months.

Below are the past years of COE prices for which you can refer to how much it has increased and decreased over the years.

COE Prices 2021
22 Dec ’21$58,801$80,989$44,000$9,601$83,889
8 Dec’21$57,010$80,401$45,000$9,401$85,000
17 Nov’21$55,001$79,601$43,502$9,381$86,001
3 Nov’21$53,709$82,801$42,001$9,381$88,000
20 Oct’21$52,709$80,210$40,501$9,310$85,000
6 Oct’21$47,001$70,200$38,890$9,052$72,756
22 Sep’21$48,000$68,310$39,000$9,089$70,002
8 Sep’21$47,000$62,600$40,001$9,689$64,700
18 Aug’21$46,689$61,001$40,010$9,500$64,901
4 Aug’21$45,189$56,001$42,589$8,899$59,599
22 Jul’21$47,010$59,501$39,523$8,689$60,001
7 Jul’21$45,001$56,100$38,900$8,502$57,700
9 Jun’21$47,821$56,032$37,000$8,501$58,001
3 Jun’21$48,510$60,109$37,002$8,703$61,112
19 May’21$41,801$58,089$41,701$8,701$62,000
5 May’21$48,002$60,001$43,001$8,011$63,002
21 Apr’21$49,640$61,190$44,001$8,000$62,100
7 Apr’21$45,600$52,309$36,134$8,000$52,200
17 Mar’21$44,589$47,001$39,589$7,791$47,806
3 Mar’21$41,996$45,001$37,513$7,752$47,001
17 Feb’21$41,001$46,002$40,890$7,500$47,506
3 Feb’21$42,000$46,790$45,001$7,506$49,778
20 Jan’21$43,501$50,100$40,999$7,589$51,900
6 Jan’21$40,609$49,001$35,900$7,501$49,489

COE Prices 2020
23 Dec’20$40,556$49,300$35,201$49,500
9 Dec’20$40,714$45,012$32,889$45,510
18 Nov’20$37,690$41,101$30,334$41,503
4 Nov’20$35,990$39,000$31,502$39,500
21 Oct’20$37,334$40,990$33,778$39,889
7 Oct’20$36,534$40,690$33,089$40,301
23 Sep’20$38,504$40,989$28,589$41,001
9 Sep’20$37,766$41,510$26,644$40,790
19 Aug’20$35,710$38,802$25,006$38,110
5 Aug’20$33,000$37,102$24,100$36,502
22 Jul’20$32,699$35,001$23,888$35,001
8 Jul’20$33,520$35,889$24,502$34,989
18 Mar’20$31,210$30,012$22,002$32,500
4 Mar’20$32,699$32,801$24,202$32,500
19 Feb’20$32,999$32,889$25,001$33,301
5 Feb’20$30,010$30,890$25,013$34,900
22 Jan’20$35,010$37,705$25,001$37,500
8 Jan’20$35,320$37,109$24,402$38,000

COE Prices 2019
18 Dec’19$32,889$36,000$23,200$37,989
4 Dec’19$33,009$37,900$23,704$38,889
20 Nov’19$32,000$39,700$24,502$40,889
6 Nov’19$30,000$40,009$25,392$40,101
23 Oct’19$32,309$41,805$26,001$42,020
9 Oct’19$34,001$41,361$26,509$41,001
18 Sep’19$31,759$37,000$25,556$40,000
4 Sep’19$31,783$36,001$25,502$37,912
21 Aug’19$31,917$38,602$26,501$40,002
7 Aug’19$32,725$40,001$27,800$40,512
17 Jul’19$26,667$39,406$24,599$39,889
3 Jul’19$28,589$34,000$25,089$36,901
19 Jun’19$26,999$35,906$25,501$39,400
6 Jun’19$30,009$39,728$25,502$42,002
22 May’19$27,000$42,564$27,400$47,000
8 May’19$36,704$48,010$28,559$52,502
17 Apr’19$33,199$48,000$32,001$52,410
3 Apr’19$29,159$43,102$27,589$48,209
20 Mar’19$26,659$39,401$27,021$41,000
6 Mar’19$26,309$36,961$27,010$37,620
20 Feb’19$26,301$35,403$26,914$36,667
8 Feb’19$25,689$34,509$26,378$35,310
23 Jan’19$26,170$33,989$26,230$33,689
9 Jan’19$25,920$32,200$27,002$32,909
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